Sunday, May 19, 2013

60 Day & Night Palette on HauteLook

60 Day & Night Palette on HauteLook
If you have this palette please let me know what you think about the lighter shades.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Oldies but goodies from YouTube click on link or watch video:

If you remember any of this - deny, deny, deny!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Urge Secretary Jewell to Stop a Delisting Catastrophe! - Defenders of Wildlife

Urge Secretary Jewell to Stop a Delisting Catastrophe! - Defenders of Wildlife

People need to make room for wolves not call hunting season when their barely up healthy numbers. Please read the information on the above link.

Save Our Wildlife From Border Walls

Save Our Wildlife From Border Walls

What goes up must come down.

American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign

American Wild Horse Preservation Campaign

Horses ans burros have been iconic to the "wild west" for decades and now that people are over populating the area they have decided that the horses and burros are in the way so they have been rounding them up for no good purpose.  This needs to stop.  Help us to persuade Sally Jewell the new Interior Secretary that there are much more humane and cost effective ways to handle this situation while treating these beloved animals with some much deserved respect.

It's time to secure the quality care we need - Caring Across Generations

It's time to secure the quality care we need - Caring Across Generations

Join this action to secure help people in this situation because you don't know when or if this might be you one day.

Oppose S. 462: Don't Codify Discrimination

Oppose S. 462: Don't Codify Discrimination

While I don't condone an American Citizen being detained in a foreign country I don't feel it's right to give another country carte blanch especially if it's supposed to be only semi-reciprocal.  What stands out in my mind is with out the added security of the visa process we will not know if they are who and what they say they are, at least Israel is on the gate.  Fake passports can be had.

Only my opinion.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dog Left in Wall for 2 Weeks Leads World's Biggest Baby Shower for Animals | Care2 Causes

Dog Left in Wall for 2 Weeks Leads World's Biggest Baby Shower for Animals | Care2 Causes

Surely only Satan could hurt a puppy this cute.  Things this horrific make me deeply disturbed.

Rangers Help Poachers Murder The Last 15 Rhinos In Mozambique | Care2 Causes

Rangers Help Poachers Murder The Last 15 Rhinos In Mozambique | Care2 Causes

Their protectors helping the murderer's - like farmer letting a fox in the hen house!

Best of the Week May 5 2013 | Everywhere - DailyCandy

Best of the Week May 5 2013 | Everywhere - DailyCandy

My daily candy most fun time of year I get to shop for the worlds 2 best Mothers my own and my Mother-in-law!  Love them both so much and def. love to shop, for them!!!


This and a long list from e.l.f. plus a few surprises.

I will make bags up with items from both also one for friend and my wonderful sister Susan.

Concerned About Exposure To Toxic Chemicals? - Earthjustice

Concerned About Exposure To Toxic Chemicals? - Earthjustice

Make your voice heard!