Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What Men Can't Say in Public?


I have been in the company of men many times and heard them utter any number of words I wish they
would take back. This takes the cake. Women stick up for the proper name for your "lady parts"!

Label Genetically Modified Food Help Pass This Bill


Stop Genetically Modified (Mutated) Food, believe it or not  a whole lot of the food you eat already is GMO. And you don't know what you are eating. Make them pass this bill to keep  GMO food off your plate, we want
labels, don't you?

Women Soldiers Need Your Help and Support


Whether or not you agree abortions are right or wrong, it should be a woman's personal and private decision. A woman also should have adequate insurance to cover the procedure in cases where it can
be shown to be necessary. Also if an insurance policy is issued for an agency it should be the same for
all participants.

War on Women Update from Care2Causes - Link


Here is an update on the War on Women from Care2Causes.

Help Save Colorado's Sunset Roadless Area


The above link will take you to the petition. I just signed the petition and I signed the petition that stopped
them last year. It was a bad idea then and it's a bad idea now.

How I Got My Look For FranklyScarlettFace's Contest

This was such a fun Contest!!

My Entry to FranklyScarlettFace Contest Giveaway

Tim Burton
Dark Shadows
Elizabeth Collins Stoddard
Played by Michele Phiffier

My Very First Swap with AnitaLovesNails

My Birthday Giveaway Video


This is something I found so interesting and so very sweet, I have cats and rabbits, but I also love, love
dogs! There is just something so loving in there eyes. You can almost, well I can, see their souls in their
eyes.  This just made for good, happy, reading.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Get on board, don't let corporations run our country!

Alwayscosmeticjunkie: TUTORIAL: 3 PROM / Graduation Makeup Looks (Glam, Smokey/Goth & Classic)

Alwayscosmeticjunkie: TUTORIAL: 3 PROM / Graduation Makeup Looks (Glam, Smokey/Goth & Classic)

Fabulous looks for prom!! I always love Alwayscosmeticunkies makeup tutorials!

Step One: Acknowledge the Climate Crisis

Step One: Acknowledge the Climate Crisis

Tell congress earth is in trouble now. I asked my congressman when earth is no longer livable,
Where will we go?   Get on board now.
Tell Congress: End the $30 million per day polluter welfare giveaway! http://bit.ly/KfecAJ @CREDOMobile


Monday, June 11, 2012

I just told AG Eric Holder @TheJusticeDept to block the racist FL voter purge http://pol.moveon.org/blockflpurge #letflvote

This is the single most shameful thing I have heard in my life. Don't fix the vote!



Get on board, if you love blue fin tuna, help save them for the future!



Please take a few minutes to check this out and pass it around.
Why take the beautiful mountains and grind them down to stumps? It is not worth it.

You can use this link to find certified humane products in a grocery store near you. You will enter your
zip code and get a list of stores and available products.

Support good products and help make changes in your world.

 Please get on board with this bill. Hens sit all day and lay eggs for us to eat. Shouldn't they be able 2 spread wings?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

What do you think about this: taxing strip clubs to fund sexual assault survivor services?

Read more: http://www.care2.com/causes/dispatches-from-the-war-on-women-anti-choice-and-the-co-opting-of-civil-rights.html#ixzz1wmFmYNf8

Should we remember those who died in battle by building not one, but two new highways through the national battlefield where they died? We think not.

If you want to protect Manassas National Battlefield from these two proposed highways, take action now!

Officials from the National Park Service, the Virginia Department of Transportation, and the Federal Highway Administration may soon approve two new highways that would forever change the landscape and the experience of visiting the Manassas National Battlefield. These first steps toward an “Outer Beltway” around Washington, D.C. would pave over four acres of national battlefield land--just as we approach the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Second Manassas.

This is no way to remember a crucial time in our nation’s history. If we want the lessons of the Civil War to resonate with future generations, we must do better.

Take Action: Citizens of Virginia, please ask Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell to protect the Manassas National Battlefield from these ill-considered, costly new highways.

Thank you so much for taking action to help protect the Manassas National Battlefield from new highway development. Your action will help ensure that sacred Civil War sites receive the protection they deserve.


Nick Lund
Civil War Associate


DOJ Stop Wall Street Fleecing America!

Tell The DOJ Wall Street Can't Get Away With Fleecing America

Rebuild the Dream
No charges have been filed against the top executives of the financial institutions whose fraud nearly crashed the global financial system, drove our economy into a ditch, resulted in billions in taxpayer bailouts, and left millions of Americans searching for jobs and one in three homeowners owing more than their homes are worth.

Breaking the law is breaking the law. Now that the Department of Justice has prosecuted John Edwards, it's time to move on to Wall Street.

If we can get to 50,000 signatures, we'll publish the petition and number of signers in a DC publication for DOJ folks to see.

24,686 signatures and counting! Will you add your name?

Sign the Petition

To: The Department of Justice

Now that the John Edwards prosecution is over, can you move on to charges against the Wall Street bankers who CRASHED OUR ECONOMY, please?

The Rebuild the Dream Community
Not Marjorie Fischl? Click here.

Click Below or Copy In Your Browser.

Actual Link To Petition:


When I saw this I just about cracked my jaw lol, it reminds me of my male cat climbing up the shower curtian. I just love cats!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Here it is better late than never, I hope you enjoy this video, please Like, Comment, Follow and Subscribe!
Sorry those Favorites Videos took so long. Right now I am working on video of the Beauty Supply Stores that I go to in my neighborhood. They are Fabuloso! Extrodinary!!. I live near so many really great Beauty Supply Stores and I am going to film as many as will let me and make a video of combined footage. Or if I have too much footage I will make a video for each store. I will see how it goes ladies! Let me know what you want to see. Nails Stuff, MakeUp, Cosemetics, Hair, Hats, Shoes, Bags, HairAccessories, HairBrushesCombs, Other, Jewelry. Let me know. This is a massive undertaking. Please let me know.