Friday, September 7, 2012

New Information on GMO Must Read

Dear Supporter, 
Scientists knew about the dangers of cigarettes, DDT, and Agent Orange long 
before anything reached the public. The same is true today about genetically 
modified food (often referred to as genetically modified organisms or GMOs). 
This food is being sold without even a label identifying it. A genetically 
modified seed was even created to allow them to spray a chemical containing 
Agent Orange on crops without killing them. 
GMOs are not safe. Scientists are seeing birth defects, high infant mortality 
rates, fertility problems, and sterility in hamsters, rats, mice, and livestock 
fed GMO soy and corn, and some hamster pups even began growing hair inside their 
mouths. Studies indicate many other serious health risks as well. 
Today's Goliath--the biotech industry--is again hoping he can shout his lies 
about the presumed safety of GMOs louder than David's truth--yours and mine. 
More to the point, Goliath is working to make sure you don't find out which 
foods have GMOs in them, despite the fact that over 90% of Americans believe 
GMOs should be labeled. In particular, these corporations are fighting a 
California ballot initiative that would require labeling. They know that it 
won't be possible to label in California and not label elsewhere. 
Just 44 corporate Goliaths have contributed nearly $25 million to oppose your 
right to know what's in your food. In the other corner, 1,200 donors like you 
have contributed a combined $2.8 million in support of GMO labeling. 
That's a ten-to-one advantage, but we can fight back. The Right to Know Campaign 
has produced a powerful TV commercial that reminds voters we can't trust 
corporations that pretend to be concerned about our health and safety. 
Click here to watch the ad. It reminds California voters why we must label GMOs 
now, before it's too late. 
Through strategic placement of these commercials in key parts of California, we 
can spread the message to California voters who need to hear the truth! 
 $20 buys a spot on CNN in El Centro. 
 $220 places an ad on the air in Sacramento during Anderson Cooper 360. 
 $900 puts our message in front of all major evening news viewers in San Diego. 
 $6,000 is enough to buy airtime during all late night news shows in the Los 
Angeles area! 
Won't you make a contribution TODAY to get this powerful TV ad on the air in 
The Right to Know Campaign needs to raise $500,000 by September 30 to maximize 
their voter outreach in the final weeks before the election. Every dollar 
contributed represents precious seconds of airtime that can help a California 
voter understand what are really at stake here--our families, our health, and 
our lives. 
Please make a donation today! 
Gretchen DuBeau 
Executive and Legal Director 
P.S.: In 1994, Norman Braksick, president of Asgrow Seed Company, a subsidiary 
of Monsanto, was quoted in the Kansas City Star as saying, "If you put a label 
on genetically engineered food you might as well put a skull and crossbones on 
it." If you want to protect your family from GMOs, labeling may well be the only 
way to do it. Please give generously. 
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6931 Arlington Road, Suite 304 
Bethesda, MD 20814 
Ph: 800.230.2762 

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