Hi everyone Ms Beauty Girl 007 here,
I just wanted to post that I am back in action and trying to play catch up.
Not an easy thing to do after being in bed for such a long time. I don't like to talk about my illness because that is not why I am on YouTube or Blogger or any where social for that matter.
I am around to draw attention to other pressing social problems such as the War on Women, the inhumane treatment of animals, and child abuse. There are cross over issues, health care reform and medicare/medicaid and Social Security that do effect me and my illness tho.
Also I have been known to talk about depression as it's fairly common. I suffer frequently from that and I love YouTube because sharing and interacting with so many women has helped me immensely with that I have so many cyber friends now that show me so much love I rarely have any down time.
I am going to talk about my illness and put a link right here for those who may be helped by it.https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fibromyalgia-Support-Group/100304333690 This link is to the facebook support group for fibromyalgia. It has helped me many times to go and just know I am not alone. It is not just one disease as you would think, it comes with a warehouse of "fun" when you have fibromyalgia it seems like you get an encyclopedia of illnesses to go along with it. If you have it or someone you love or know has it you will know exactly what I mean. If not you are a lucky chicky. You never know from day to day what you are going to have, get, or feel or how long it's going to last. Any who, I will be happy to answer any questions but this is basically all I am going to say on this. I do my best everyday, that's all anyone can do.
So, the make-up addict that I am I must talk about what is coming up in beauty if I haven't lost all my beauty gals already. I am going to have a contest with prizes and I need some help figuring out what type of prize everyone wants. OK so here is the choice: 1. Hello Kitty, 2. Kleancolor Dolly Girl palette or 3. Mystery prize(s) So I need to know pretty soon before everyone gets board.
OK everyone I have tutorials coming up, Blue Eye Shadow look, Purple Eye Liner look, and Whole Face Look including contouring and lashes. Then I also have my closet project started with some footage on how that is going. Beauty Supply Stores in my area. And my DIY Straw Necklace video is getting a re-make or makeover or something like that. So stay tuned to YouTube.
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