Saturday, May 19, 2012

Marjorie Fischl
925 Wakefield Ave
Norfolk, VA 23502-3124
May 19, 2012
James Davis-Martin
Chesapeake Bay TMDL Coordinator
Department of Conservation and Recreation
203 Governor Street
Richmond, VA 23219-2094
Re: Bay Clean Up Plan Needs Details
Dear Mr. Davis-Martin:
I very much appreciate Virginia's efforts to develop its Phase 2 Watershed Implementation Plan (Phase 2 WIP) for the Chesapeake Bay.

This plan can help revitalize the waterways in my community, but I am disappointed that specific goals and strategies for my locality are not included. I need to know how my locality intends to reduce pollution so I can encourage their efforts, hold local officials accountable, and help champion the funding and authority needed to complete the job of cleaning up the Bay.

Please build a stronger and more locally useful plan by

o Requiring localities, state agencies, and federal facilities to formally commit to specific and goals and corresponding strategies and timelines for achieving them, and

o Publishing clear guidance for localities on how to develop, formally adopt, and adapt to locally-specific goals and strategies.

So far, pollution reductions to the Bay and its rivers have come largely through a strong commitment to upgrading wastewater treatment plants and installing conservation practices on farms through existing federal and state cost-share programs. A comparable level of commitment is now vital to address the remaining sources of pollution that inhibit full recovery of our local waterways and the Bay. A Phase 2 WIP that includes local details, commitments, and deadlines provides assurance and a clear statement that the Commonwealth is serious about achieving a healthy Bay.

I would just like to see the plans extend to all business and communities. With detailed plans and restrictions just as detailed and precise as those put out for farmers, golf courses, road layers and contractors. There are a lot of us out here ready to get to work to help clean up the bay. We just need a clear plan of action.

Thank you for your work to protect the wildlife, jobs, and quality of life that rely on clean water.


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